Monday, September 23, 2013

Top 5, Bottom 5: Parodies and Spoofs

Parodies are hard to get right, but when they're good, they're really good. Here are my favorite and least favorite parodies, according to Flickchart.

Top 5:
1. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2003, #25). One of my very favorite comedies, Lost Skeleton is a hilarious parody of bad 1950s sci fi B-movies. It gets the wooden dialogue and acting just perfect and has some of the most quotable lines ever.
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975, #38). Monty Python's parody of the Arthur legend is ridiculous and silly and easily my favorite of the comedy group's full-length movies.
3. Airplane! (1980, #175). The snappy one-liners are the best reason to watch this classic. Even if one joke doesn't make you laugh, there's another one just around the corner that probably will.
4. Take the Money and Run (1969, #185). This is easily my favorite of Woody Allen's very early film, with a great series of jokes. It's also one of the earlier examples of a mockumentary before they became super popular.
5. Love and Death (1975, #253). I just rewatched this the other day, and it is so funny. Even if you're not familiar with the styles Allen is spoofing, the scenes and dialogue are funny enough on their own that you'll still enjoy them all.

Bottom 5:
1. Spaceballs (1987, #1770). I know a lot of people love this movie, but to me it showcases everything I hate about bad parody. Instead of parodying an actual movie or genre by mimicking dialogue or acting styles, it relies on lame name puns and standalone jokes that have little to do with what it claims to be parodying. Blech.
2. The Cheap Detective (1978, #1588). You know, I don't even remember anything about this movie aside from the fact that I never laughed.
3. Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993, #1581). The entire premise of this movie seemed to be that it is intrinsically funny to put a bunch of sexual references into a Robin Hood story. That kind of anachronism can only go so far with its humor.
4. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983, #1355). Monty Python manages to make favorite and least favorite. Nice. This one just has a lot of dud sketches mixed in with only one or two great ones, and then ends with one of the most unpleasant scenes I've ever seen on film.
5. Get Smart (2008, #1326). Just a lame series of jokes that were not entertaining as either a parody of the show itself or spy films and TV shows in general.