Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekend Reads

Happy weekend! Enjoy reading some of the things I discovered and loved this week.

On Twitter

Silly Blog Things

Honest Company Slogans, a collection of pictures at Imgur

Serious Blog Things

Boundaries Part One: It's OK to Have Them! by Bridie Marie at Disrupting Dinner Parties
The fact that you have hugged someone in greeting for a year, or a day, or your entire life does not obligate you to continue hugging them if you stop being comfortable with that.
The fact that someone is your friend, or your relative, or your romantic partner does not mean that you are obligated to hug them if you are not comfortable with that.
The fact that everyone else and their grandmother is okay with hugging this person, and thinks you are a strange little duckling for not doing so, does not mean you are obligated to hug this person if you are not comfortable with that.
People will often well-meaningly pressure you to disregard a boundary like this. They will say “Aw, c’mon, just hug! Everyone else is doing it?” They may say, “What’s the big deal?” They may say, “You’re hurting his feelings?” They are wrong to do this. Full stop.
Dark Days, Bright Days, by Will Hindmarch at
When I called myself an idiot, I put a drop of poison into myself. It’s the little things, adding up. It sounds silly, I know. That one word, thought up like sharp banter between trusting friends, might not mean anything — might not seem so bad. I am not my trusting friend. When my brain is in a certain way, I can’t trust that what it tells me is a joke. It might be an accusation, a realization, a warning, because depression lies. Because depression lies, my ability to trust, my own self-esteem, isn’t like a rock in a storm-tossed sea, it’s like a beach, withering and widening with the season.
The Death of Expertise, by Tom Nichols at The Federalist
Yes, it’s true that experts can make mistakes, as disasters from thalidomide to the Challenger explosion tragically remind us. But mostly, experts have a pretty good batting average compared to laymen: doctors, whatever their errors, seem to do better with most illnesses than faith healers or your Aunt Ginny and her special chicken gut poultice. To reject the notion of expertise, and to replace it with a sanctimonious insistence that every person has a right to his or her own opinion, is silly.
Beyonce and Jay Z Show How Sexy Christian Marriage Can Be, by Laura Turner at BuzzFeed
After the first few verses, Jay Z joined his wife onstage to continue the ode to connubial sex. And then, when the song was over, they hugged and walked hand in hand offstage, disappearing back into their regular lives. (As regular, at least, as a life of extreme wealth, fame, and superstardom can be.) 
But their performance did more than just entertain millions of viewers; it argued for something as old fashioned as marriage being sexy.

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